Forming a study habit - Study environment

We have spoken about the 'when' to study (see Forming a study habit-Time of day) now comes the equally important question of 'where?'

I feel the most important factor in any study environment is accessibility. I ask myself, "How can I get there?". I am most likely to study in; the kitchen, my bedroom or a tram going to work. You are unlikely to find me in a coffee shop or library, they're just not part of my daily routine.

The best, by far is the kitchen. It has a table and chairs and no TV. There is not a lot that I can be distracted by, and no worry of being so comfortable that I slack off. The kitchen feels a productive environment, producing great meals that power my day. Every day I am in the kitchen, one way or another.

The next best is the morning tram, I get this every Monday to Friday. With my recent experiments, the earlier the tram, the quieter it is. The downside to this option is the lack of table space. This is especially problematic when using both a book and my laptop. It requires extra effort, but I have benefitted from typing up the problems first, a few nights before so that I can have a go at solving them on my journey.

Likelihood of interruption is another major factor. My desk at work can be the least productive environments for me. As part of my role, I am there to support my team and I welcome interruptions. My living room can also be full of distraction. These areas highlight a significant point. When in the presence of family, friends and colleagues, I should give them my whole attention. I believe that relationships require effort and I should invest in these relationships.

Another example I have around habits and their environments are exercise equipment. When I put the equipment in the spare bedroom, I would go days without using them. The same problem happened when they were in the living room. These rooms weren't part of my daily routine. "Out of sight, out of mind" right?


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